Blindsided by Talent Gaps
At a time when businesses are reevaluating the composition of their workplaces we’re revisiting this client story which first appeared in the March 2016 edition of IHRIM’s Workplace Solutions Review. By Joe Kollinger A unique visualisation of the workforce gave one of our clients advance warning of talent gaps [...]
The Impact of Contractors
Visualising the Impact of Contractors Most companies of size today balance a workforce of employees and contractors. A recent NPR/Marist poll showed 1 in 5 jobs is held under a contract. Loosely defined, an employee will just be working for your organisation, generally works at your place of business, is [...]
Data Integrity in HR Projects
HR Data Integrity for Organizational Change Projects . OfficeWork Software has provided our clients with workforce planning and organizational change solutions since 2005. During this time we have worked on many different organizational change initiatives: mergers, spin-offs, delayering, downsizing and gearing for rapid growth. Over time we have observed that [...]
Three Reasons You Need an Org Chart Now
In today’s rapidly changing business environment it important to be able to adapt to changes quickly. To do so, an organization’s structure and key workforce metrics need to be clearly displayed and immediately accessible. The creation of new project teams, reorganizations, reductions in force, mergers and acquisitions, along with break [...]