2021 OrgChart Year in Review
2021 OrgChart Year in Review: Reorgs, recruiting pushes and managing remote or hybrid workforces were new and urgent needs as the economy corrected itself from the turmoil of 2020. It was a big year of organisational change for many companies across the globe. As a workplace management tool, our [...]
7 Goals Of Succession Planning
7 Goals Of Succession Planning Succession Planning is a process by which an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill key roles within a company. Succession planning is not just about establishing paths for promotion, it’s about matching the right person for every job in a company. [...]
Span of Control is Important
Why Span of Control is Important What is span of control? When examining organisational structure, span of control is an important metric to understand. Simply, span of control refers to the number of employees under a manager’s direct control (i.e. a manager with five direct reports has a span [...]
The Impact of Contractors
Visualising the Impact of Contractors Most companies of size today balance a workforce of employees and contractors. A recent NPR/Marist poll showed 1 in 5 jobs is held under a contract. Loosely defined, an employee will just be working for your organisation, generally works at your place of business, is [...]
Making Sense of Your Data
Making Sense of your HR Data with Org Charts The great power of modern organizational chart software is being able to make sense of the trove of HR data you already have. By importing the data into a centralized chart, data is transformed into something organized and visual which can [...]
Organizational Structure
3 Basic Types of Organizational Structure As companies grow they need to restructure. Organization Development science has identified three types of organizational structure. We’ve listed them below with a brief explanation: 1. Functional A functional structure is simply one that divides a company by specialty. Typical departments are HR, [...]
Data Integrity in HR Projects
HR Data Integrity for Organizational Change Projects . OfficeWork Software has provided our clients with workforce planning and organizational change solutions since 2005. During this time we have worked on many different organizational change initiatives: mergers, spin-offs, delayering, downsizing and gearing for rapid growth. Over time we have observed that [...]
Essentials On Managing Reorgs
Essentials On Managing Reorgs Today, two constants managers and employees are dealing with are a changing business environment and too little time to effectively [...]
How to Avoid Skill Shortages in Your Organization
How to Avoid Skill Shortages in Your Organization Joe Kolinger presented this webcast at HR.com recently: Protecting your company from skill shortages is a ubiquitous problem. Today, many companies are facing a common problem – they have plenty of “data” about their talent, but what they don’t have is a [...]