OrgChart Platinum 12.5 Released
OrgChart Platinum 12.5 Released In times of uncertainty, managing and planning become all the more important. Being able to see and communicate a clear representation of the company structure and potential future strengths and weaknesses can help reduce the anxiety for what’s ahead. OrgChart Platinum version 12.5 introduces new [...]
Retaining Key Talent
Retaining High Demand Employees With today’s trend toward remote working, employee retention for high demand jobs is a battleground for HR managers. It was found employees from the top 10 tech companies hang around only 1.2 to 3 years and a manager’s ability to visualise the future is critical. [...]
Blindsided by Talent Gaps
At a time when businesses are reevaluating the composition of their workplaces we’re revisiting this client story which first appeared in the March 2016 edition of IHRIM’s Workplace Solutions Review. By Joe Kollinger A unique visualisation of the workforce gave one of our clients advance warning of talent gaps [...]
Managing Remote Workers
Effective Management of Remote Workers While remote workers were not uncommon, the coronavirus pandemic has forced some companies' hands into moving more employees into a work from home situation. Office workers are being asked to remain at home in isolation while organizations struggle to navigate the ever-changing health environment. Even [...]
The Importance of Retention Rate
The Importance of Retention Rate A recent analysis of 32 million LinkedIn profiles showed that there was a 76% chance of an employee still being at a company 12 months later. Retention rate is an important metric for Human Resource Departments given that retaining talent generally benefits the company as [...]
Managing Change in Times of Crisis
Managing Change in Times of Crisis Businesses today are undergoing rapid and massive upheaval as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic gripping the world. Many management teams are scrambling to adapt to two seismic shifts in their workforces. One, the move of employees to remote working situations and the changes [...]
Our Advantage, Speed & Efficiency
The OrgChart Now Advantage - Speed and Efficiency In this new video series, we introduce the advantages of OfficeWork Software’s OrgChart Now. Faster Navigation As anyone who has created org charts manually in programs like Visio, any drawing program, PowerPoint or even Word can attest, producing an org chart [...]
Managing with Co-leadership
Co-leadership is a term growing in prominence as a management solution. Simply defined, co-leadership is the concept of having two leaders equally positioned and sharing the responsibilities of leadership. A research paper from Regent University concluded that while “shared leadership has its challenges and can be difficult to implement, overall [...]
The Impact of Contractors
Visualising the Impact of Contractors Most companies of size today balance a workforce of employees and contractors. A recent NPR/Marist poll showed 1 in 5 jobs is held under a contract. Loosely defined, an employee will just be working for your organisation, generally works at your place of business, is [...]
Emotional Wellness
Your Employees & Emotional Wellness . Emotional wellness can no longer be ignored when examining the overall health of a workforce. Between 2013 and 2016, major depression diagnoses grew most significantly among adolescents (up 63 percent) and millennials (up 47 percent), according to the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA)’s [...]